After three years, the last virtual OpenMic will take place on April 25, 2023. I wrestled with myself for a long time, but finally came to the conclusion that the decision is right. I know how important the virtual OpenMic was for many of you for a long time. Your kind feedback, sometimes by mail, personally at festivals, postcards or even small packages with lovingly chosen gifts, have shown me that again and again. I am grateful that I could create something that was meaningful for you.
Nevertheless, it is now time to move on. As you all know, I am very involved in a wide variety of activities. Besides the ukulele community, for which I organize Nordlichter meetings and a regular open stage in my hometown Ahrensburg, I am also involved in the Rotary Club Ahrensburg, where I also invest a lot of time in various volunteer projects. And then there is my company and of course and first of all the people in my life who have a very special place in my heart. At some point there comes a point where I have to sort and check where I can save time so that I can focus again. I hope very much for all of your understanding.
I don't want to make it a goodbye forever. I reserve the right to host another OpenMic from time to time in memory of our many wonderful virtual meetings. But I will no longer do it with a fixed regularity, but maybe once a year when I feel like it and can spare energy for it at the moment.
I sincerely hope to see all of you, who have been loyal to me for so long, at festivals or other occasions. If you are able and like, come to my Nordlichter meetings or my open stage and sign up for my e-mail distribution list here below, so that you will definitely hear when there is another revival OpenMic.
And you can still find the videos of all then 77 virtual OpenMics on the YouTube channel @OpenMicVirtuell.